Florida Times-Union
By Ron Littlepage
Story updated at 6:28 AM on Thursday, May. 21, 2009
I haven't been a fan of Florida Hometown Democracy, but that's changing. Here's why:...
In other words, legislators have pretty much given free rein to developers to continue building; quality of life and the state's natural resources be damned, even though there are currently 300,000 homes in Florida sitting empty...But it's not just the betrayal by the Legislature that's making Florida Hometown Democracy more attractive.
Efforts by the Jacksonville Aviation Authority to extend a runway at Craig field despite overwhelming opposition is growing tiresome.
The aborted attempt by the Jacksonville Port Authority to cram a cruise ship terminal down the throats of Mayport residents is another example why land use changes to our comprehensive plan should be more difficult.
That's what Florida Hometown Democracy would do.
The proposed constitutional amendment likely will be on the ballot in November 2010. If voters approve it, land use changes would have to be approved by that jurisdiction's voters...